8 August 2020 – Sydney, NSW

‘even in sydney i dream’

been thinking about home and sunsets and winter weather. chai and cake at badde manors. wattle bursting bursting bursting. the bluest ocean i’ve seen in my life. big sandstone cliffs proud above the waves, and the trees. long drives in the subaru before it burnt in the fires. the big flat empty beach on our last day in tassie. • 

even in sydney i dream. when i can’t sleep, i dream of the wind in the clattery dry leaves, the roar of the fires, and the heavy heavy rain that doesn’t seem to come often enough. big spaces, stars looking down. all the important things. • i’m going to england again in september. i feel more reassured than ever by the love of land and the love of place i have. it’s gonna be okay to go back. live with mates. cycle on the weekends. the last 6 months have been stolen time, a gift of chance. how can i be anything but grateful?